The Ebook is available on Okada Books

Several insinuations and misconceptions pervades the entire place about Celestial Church of Christ; her observances, injunctions and liturgy. As much as people strive to have a gulp of the truth from the fountains of knowledge and carriers of the mandate as passed down through the pastor and founder, Rev. S.B.J Oshoffa, erroneous and spurious teachings have coated so many would be truths about the church. This book is a concise material which aptly discusses the nitty- gritty of worship in the context of the church and a taste of it would satisfy the spiritual palate of all those who desire to know the truth.

This book invariably is a manual of worship for the consumption of every true believer who really desire the truth about worship, and will equally inform such minds of what the church was like at inception and what God requires of us aside the present day system that is fraught with complexity, nuances and distorted truth that the event of time has injected into our spiritual environment.

The Ebook is available on Okada Books

Despite the age-long search for the great Creator and Father, He has not been so available as many would say, only because their approaches to finding Him have failed them. People of various creeds, colours, and tribes have been in desperate search for the Him and some have been so fortunate and graced to know Him, even intimately, while a large majority have no inkling of who He is. Various religions have played one role or the other in ensuring that man relates on a one on one basis with God, just as it was at Eden; unfortunately, many of these religions have failed man.

I have written this book as a practical guide to key in every believer into the spiritual abode of the great Creator so as to achieve a close relationship with Him.