updates in the season

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Key To A Productive 2022

Based on the sermon given by brother Samuel Ademola Bolaji; the year 2022 has been said to be one of the best years but full of challenges, and what this simply entails is; you understanding the game.
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Celebrating Papa Samuel Bilehou Oschoffa's Legacy: A Call For Self-Examination

This piece is not about Papa, but it is written for us to reflect on how we are filling the shoes he left behind.
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holy mary poems by children

Presentation by the children in honour of Holy Mary our Mother.
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the seed of the woman: a mystery of man's restoration

The first man Adam was given to have dominion and to rule over the earth and all that was in the earth. A honour envied by the devil who beguiled Adam's wife to dethrone him.
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enlightening children about the passion week

Teaching children songs about the Passion Week gives them a sense of attachment to the season when they remember the songs.
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why you pay firstfruits and tithes

Tithing gives the blessings of heaven and earth to those who pay it, but the payment of firstfruits sanctify your lot throughout the year.
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diary of a lazy woman

bringing you a fictional, but realistic perspective.

day 0

Why am I writing this diary?

Well …

day 1

The holy book refers to laziness as ‘slothful’. Laziness is the disease that eats up
aspirations, delays execution of plans, kills efficiency and disappoints hopes.

A lazy woman can be referred to as one with inherent potentials to succeed in life, but lacks understanding.

An understanding of what you ask? She lacks an understanding of what she is carrying. She is aware of her potential, but refuses (as a factor of choice) to take the steps of applying to giain results. She denies herself the usage of what she has to get what she needs, yet, she laments consistently without action.

To be continued …

day 2

Coming Soon .. When I can be bothered.

readers' comments

Join hundreds of readers

Many believers of this age are carried away by the frivolities of this time; hence they are gradually straying away from God’s presence unbeknown to them.

Find out more about what God requires of you in ‘Relationship With God’ and ‘True Worship: CCC Factor’.

"This book is for everybody and guides you in your daily relationship with God. It answers a lot of questions as regards to how best to relate to God.

The author has chosen words that are so simplified for all to understand his interpretation and illustrations of the Bible."
Alhaji Denja Abdullai
secretary, association of nigerian authors (2014)
"This book contains God-given revelations which will set you free completely from the bondage of the kingdom of darkness."
rT Rev'd E.O. Shokoya aCA
Bishop, first african church mission (facm)
"The author convinced me that all he wrote are not just self made revelation, but relevations from God.

This book creates a strong foundation upon which a strong relationship with God can be built."
Rev. Olaleye Alao
president, family federation for world peace and unification, nigeria
"A book needed in a time such as this. For me, it's been a key resource in unveiling the mysteries about our church and worship - things in which I now have confience.."
CEO, celestial Weekly
ccc w/w
"This book is very entertaining to potentional beleivers/Christians who are willing to have spiritual intimacy with God.

If you really want to change your Chrisitian lifestyle, this book will inspire you to do that you wish."
rev. dr. chaplain a.a. Olaoyewusi
rector, ccc seminary and leadership centre
"This book helps our business to thrive by ensuring we maintain our relationship with God. The principles are essential for spiritual growth."
CEO, AQSutanas
ccc w/w