Monthly Watch Night Service in Celestial Church

When I was young, my Dad always ensured that we attend church on the first Thursday of every month for the monthly watch night service. I always looked forward to it as it is an opportunity to mingle with my friends and dance until my legs ached.

However, as soon as worship began, we would fall asleep in a corner, one after the other. Little did we know the importance of the Watchnight Service. Oh! Little did we know that it should not be taken with levity.

You are expected to come with a prepared heart to seek the face of your Heavenly Father in the course of this special and important service –  knowing fully well that He is readily available to change things beyond your wildest imagination.

In this service, God Himself is present in the fullness of His glory; to go ahead of you in the new month, to make you victorious in the new month. Going to Watchnight service unprepared might make one to be on the losing end. It is best we all go prepared so as to receive all what God has allocated for us in the new month.

Prior to this service, you must have evaluated your life; stating your requests and things that require God’s special intervention.

You must have written down your requests for the month so that you don’t just come to pray for the sake of it.

It is a service where casual prayers are forbidden. You must have examined yourself appropriately, spelt out your needs and, stated what had been left undone from the previous month. 

Coming fully armed with your apt requests, you are able to focus and speak with precision as touching your life.

As a true Celestial, it is mandatory that you appear for this worship in your full regalia before your Maker. He, being present in His full glory, wants to see you in your place. Therefore, the choristers also, are to have their capes on.

It is pertinent to note here, that the Watchnight Service is a high mass in which the power into the new month is bestowed.

You must appear in the service with:

A candlestick, 

  1. A bottle (glass) of water,
  2. Your Power cloth.

These items are necessary for you to be rejuvenated in the new month.

It is a beautiful thing to appear in the presence of God in preparation to meet Him and be blessed all the way!

Olwakemi Basuyi