Imeko Annual Convocation

CCC Hymn 851: Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, A o pade Kristi wa ni Bethlehem to Judea, Halleluyah, Halleluyah. Amin.
Halleluyah, Halleluyah, Halleluyah, We will meet our Christ in Bethlehem of Judea, Halleluyah, Halleluyah. Amin.

In the year 1983, Papa SBJ Oshoffa changed our annual Christmas convocation venue from Porto-Novo to Imeko. 

Imeko, popularly known as the ‘Celestial City’, is a village located in Imeko Afon, a Local Government area in Ogun State bordering the Republic of Benin. 

Imeko convocation is of high importance as it is one of the “ten steps” we should all follow and continue in whilst we wait on the Lord. This was mentioned by Papa Oshoffa at his last Good Friday service, on April the 5th of 1985.

In the Bible, the Israelites were told to appear three times a year, we as Celestial Church of Christ members, are also to appear three times a year. The annual convocation at Imeko is one of the three appearances (others include Easter and Harvest) (Exodus 23:15-17). 

Imeko may be viewed by non-members of the fold as a campsite for Celestial Church of Christ members. However, it is far more than that. It is the place members go to receive blessings for the coming year. It is a place where problems are solved and where members have supernatural encounters. 

There are two important services held at Imeko, namely: Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day service. At the Christmas Eve service, members are to bring along with the three types of fruits, one candlestick, one egg, and spiritual items/materials. Examples of spiritual materials include soap, perfume, candles, etc. If the materials are cumbersome, one could alternatively use a candle brought from Imeko to present before God, any additional items brought from one’s home.
At the service, these spiritual materials will be blessed by the holy angels descending on that day. All spiritual items are to be used throughout the following year up until the next Christmas Eve service. 

The Christmas Day service starts at 10:00 am on Christmas Day (25th of December). This service replicates a Sunday Service.

Many Celestial members do not know the significance of this convocation. Some go there for miscellaneous reasons which are totally different from God’s purpose. Many members are ignorant of the importance of the Christmas Day service. Therefore, they travel back home immediately after the Christmas Eve service with no true blessing from God. It is necessary for members to attend both services as they are equally important. 

Celestial members are to go to Imeko to acknowledge and worship baby Jesus. It is also necessary to go to the sepulcher of Papa SBJ Oshoffa to present ourselves and pray there, as well as at the Holy Land.

‘Imeko Celestial City’ is our Jerusalem, a place where prayers are answered and where grace abounds. A place where we will meet our Christ.

Reference: Location – Wikipedia, True Worship by Bro. Ademola Samuel. 


Bro Damilare Eshinlokun